Our know-how

CFP is committed to preserving our environment and that of future generations, and through the GREEN WAY approach, guarantees the reduction of the environmental impact of its production.

Its field of action

  • Purchase of raw materials
  • Manufacturing
  • Conditioning
  • Transportation
  • Sorting and Recycling


  • Panels whose wood comes from sustainably managed local forests (PEFC-FSC certification)
  • 100% recyclable panels
  • Panels that preserve a healthier indoor climate thanks to a low formaldehyde content

Consult and download our certifications!

The Forest Recognition and Certification Program is an organization that promotes sustainable forest management through certification. A PEFC™ syviculture is based on the following principles: Conservation and improvement of forest resources (forest area and forest quality.) Maintaining the health and vitality of forest ecosystems (pollution, disease, fire, storms, etc.) Maintaining and encouraging the production functions of forests. (The quality of harvested wood is not superior to the quantity of renewed wood and the value of other products: hunting, fruits and mushrooms).

Standard E1 : E1 quality is a range of panels with reduced formaldehyde emissions (formaldehyde content less than 8 mg per 100g of atro. panels)

Standard E1/2 : The E1/2 quality is a range of panels with reduced formaldehyde emissions (formaldehyde content less than 4 mg per 100g of atro. panels).

– Certification E1

– Certification E1/2

CARB 2/EPA certification is issued by the FCBA (Forêt Cellulose Bois-Construction Ameublement), which is itself accredited by an American control body.
This formaldehyde standard is currently one of the most stringent.

– T2 CARB Compliance Certification- Certification de conformité CARB T2
